Digital and Innovation team at Law Squared

Nam Truong
Digital + Innovation

[email protected]
+61 405 399 112

Nam leads the Digital + Innovation team at Law Squared. Combining his experience across Human Centred Design, Technical Product Management, and go-to-market, Nam is committed to ushering Law Squared through our progressive stages of digital maturity.

From Web Design, Digital Transformation, Modernisation, to Hi-Fidelity Audio and home automation, Nam is passionate and perpetually curious about all things digital – a self-described “Nerd”.

In fulfilling the “Innovation” aspect of his role, Nam also leverages his degree in Psychology and experience in Design Research to further establish and embed frameworks that enable innovation within the firm. Nam has also completed a Global Executive Masters of Business Administration from Monash University.

In his spare time, Nam loves to play volleyball which he has played competitively for over 10 years as an outside hitter and setter. He also enjoys playing guitar and making music – sometimes even singing to his two cats, Edward and Kenji!

Nam loves meeting new people, whether it be to talk about the latest tech trends, sharing learnings, or even just to have a casual chat! Always feel free to reach out and see what he’s up to.